AAM and NASAA Host Creative Aging Conferences
Two partner organizations recently hosted virtual creative aging conferences to advance creative aging across the United States:
The American Alliance of Museums (AAM) hosted a national Museum Summit on Creative Aging, a free, highly interactive virtual summit that provided museum professionals with inspiration, tools and connections to help them serve the growing and underserved population of people who are 55 and better. The half-day program included keynote discussions, interactive workshops and panels that include Seeding Vitality Arts in Museums grantees.
The National Assembly of State Arts Agencies (NASAA) hosted a Creative Aging Institute for all state and jurisdictional arts agencies and regional arts organization staff and council members. The institute included case studies of creative aging programs from state arts agencies participating in NASAA’s Leveraging State Investments in Creative Aging grant program and included communication strategies designed to move the needle on healthy aging policies.